Facebook and the like with over a million users worldwide. Social media offers speed, efficiency and the ability to target and attract a specific large number of candidates. It can provide additional resource information on potential candidates so vital in the recruitment process.
According to R Haefner, VP of HR at CareerBuilder, “Social media is a primary vehicle of communication today, and because much of that communication is public, it’s no surprise some recruiters and hiring managers are tuning in.”
Another survey by ‘Konetic’ found that 80% of HR teams use social media for sourcing new staff. Facebook, for instance, is used by many employers to promote their brand and graduate-employment programmes and allow potential candidates to network with their employees and recruiting personnel. Another point worth noting is, according to a survey by ‘Right Management’ 94% of job candidates used Linkedin as their top social media site for job hunting and this social media site was the preferred choice for two thirds of hiring professionals for sourcing job candidates.
Other than Linkedin and Facebook, networking sites such as Google+, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs are frequently used by recruiters and hiring professionals too. In a nutshell, social media and networking sites play a key role in the jobsearch and job sourcing processes. These platforms can’t be ignored. The prevalent use of technology in smart cities such as Singapore coupled with emerging advances in social media related technologies do incentivize individuals regardless of age to reach out and build their jobsearch network using social media. They can find people in targeted organizations and connect directly with people that matter most – people who can offer them jobs.
So, does the humble paper resume matter at all or is it still relevant in this social media age?
The simple answer is YES. Certainly yes. Simply because, the recruiting and hiring people still solicit your resume after having identified you as a potential from among the hundreds on social media. Postings and write-ups on social media cannot and will not replace the RESUME.
Moreover, it’s still the only tool you, the job seeker, have for making that good first impression with your next prospective employer and getting your right foot in the door for that all-important, make-or-break interview. The full-length resume is still the only marketing tool and the professional profile that can fully portray you accurately, focusing on your capabilities and achievements, and the most important asset you have to offer – YOU!
But then, do you ever feel that you are sending your precious resume into the abyss when you apply for an internship or new job? Don’t despair. Jumping into the lake won’t solve your problem, either. Smile, you may be among the more than 90% of applicants left wondering what went wrong. On an average, there are more 190 applicants per job advertised, and only about 10% of those applications ever receive an interview invite. If yours is not among this 10% cohort, then, perhaps, your resume is the problem.
So, it’s time that you got your RESUME seen, noticed and read by the real people that matter most – the Hiring Managers. It is worth your while, economically, to invest some time and money making your resume the best and unique one possible.
How? You may ask. Consider these seriously:
· Don’t ignore social media. Make it part and parcel of your jobsearch process. Integrate social media into the jobsearch plan.
· Be bold. Stray from the norm, the standard. If your resume is ordinary, it remains ordinary.
· Content strategy is king. Apart from choosing and using relevant and appropriate key action words, you must showcase your career achievements, accomplishments and play down on “what you did at that job and what you did at another job.”
· Keep your resume current, up-dated, accurate and world-class.
At Successful Resumes, we are total professionals in resume crafting and have been doing so since 1992. We have more than 23 years of experience on this job and astutely know how to move you to your next job. Our resumes are individually-designed, expertly-written, professionally-presented and employer-centred.
Your resume is your most important marketing tool for getting your NEXT job. Make sure you don’t blow it.
Article by Larry Lim, Chief Executive of Successful Resumes Singapore and Career Management Institute. Successful Resumes Singapore is an integral part of Successful Resumes International with its HQ in Sydney, Australia that has more 20 years of professional experience crafting world-class resume for the discerning. Visit for more information.