Singapore's Ministry of Manpower [MOM] announced 23 September 2013 a new directive called Fair Consideration Framework that will take effect from August 2014. This framework sets forth new hiring practices for those companies with more than 25 employees and plan or intend to hire foreigners under the Employment Pass [EP] scheme. This initiative applies to Professional. Manager, Executive [PME] jobs.
Come next August, employers are required to advertise PME positions/jobs in a new government-run Jobs Bank to be administered by the Workforce Development Agency [WDA] for 14 days. They have to prove that they have tried to hire Singaporeans first; failing which they can then apply to the MOM for EPs for foreign workers. The starting salary of EP holders has been raised to S$3300 per month and older and more experienced EP holders are to be paid more.
Those employers who fail to comply with the new directive can face severe penalties.
This new initiative whist a welcome move for Singaporean PME may push wage costs to higher levels. Employers have to do their sums very cautiously before hiring a foreign PME.
Whatever the situation is, Successful Resumes Singapore will be pleased to partner you in your next career and job search.
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