Using Your Voice During Your Job Interview

Monday, 25 August 2014


Do you position yourself as a substitute?
If you do, you will be treated like a commodity when you are in your jobsearch and by default you become easier to substitute. Hiring professionals have choices - plenty of choices even when it comes to C-level candidates. That's the nature of a commodity - if one is not suitable, there's always another one around the corner.
Why are you being considered a substitute instead of the chosen one? The problem lies with your resume or Linkedin profile or even both. It it's boring or looks just like anyone of your peers', why do you think it's going to help you get the next promotion or coveted management role? You can't submit an average resume and expect to be put in a premium position.
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Photo: Larry, Chief Executive and Consulting Principal of Successful Resumes Singapore, advises a client to expeditiously move above the mediocre.

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