Using Your Voice During Your Job Interview

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Most hiring managers and recruiters I spoke to stressed on the importance they placed on PHONE INTERVIEWS. Unfortunately, this is something most job seekers and career changers simply ignore. If you fall into this category, think again - you need a mindset change. Many organisations now use the phone interview - the initial phone interview to determine the best qualified candidates for job opportunities. They use this method to separate the weed from the wheat.
Jobseekers should instead take this golden opportunity to make a great first impression and note you have only one single chance to make that impression that can lead you to an in-person interview. And this means, you are a step closer to that dream job.
So, take the phone interview seriously. And remember, your phone can ring any time. Stand by and be ready to answer it with a voice and tone that can lead you to the in-person interview.
I shall discuss the dos and don'ts of phone interviews over a series of articles here in this blog.

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