Using Your Voice During Your Job Interview

Friday, 24 October 2014


Resume for Career Change: Owning and Managing Your Own Business

Have you ever wondered why some 16 200 new businesses were founded in Singapore during the first quarter of 2014? Of these, 35.2% were sole proprietorships and 48.4% were private limited companies. On average more than 56 000 new businesses are registered each year in Singapore.

More and more working professionals are facing and experiencing greater challenges and career volatility in their work places. Job security seems elusive and, to put it bluntly, doesn't exist anymore. Hence, more and more salaried professionals with entrepreneurial acumen are switching and turning to owning and managing their own businesses instead of working for their ‘bosses’. Is this a better alternative? Bear in mind, it’s your future and your financial security that you have to be mindful of. Your decision has tremendous ramifications and impact on your life.

Years ago, when I wanted to leave a cushy, corporate career with a publishing conglomerate and was scouting for a similar role elsewhere, my closest confidant and printing shop owner pulled me aside and told me straight in the face, “Larry, I know you earn a good salary but it doesn’t matter because you’ll never build real wealth from it.” That sent me thinking real hard, consulted my family and realised that the answer to creating and building real wealth is “OWNING AND MANAGING MY OWN BUSINESS”. I did just that and never turned back.

There is no bed of roses for anyone who wants to take this route. The roots of the business tree are long and bitter but the fruit is absolutely sweet. There are opportunities and opportunities out there waiting for you. I am not talking about the Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or the next-generation-tech start-ups. They are not your average entrepreneur. Instead, consider resume writing, food and catering, hair-dressing, fashion design, private education, personal/human services, electrical and plumbing services and the list goes on.

Most, if not all, small business owners make their money by dramatically increasing their net worth on the path to the one-million-dollar mark. Once you hit this magic figure, you will find investors knocking on your door wanting to buy over your business. This is where the real wealth is.

Most recent sales of businesses in Singapore include: automobile dealership: S$300 million, tuition chain: S$300 million, coffee shop in Hougang: S$23.8 million, Chinese restaurant: S$15 million, roast meat joint: S$4 million

Owners of these businesses are now millionaires – enjoying real wealth! They were mere salaried professionals before. Can you see the difference now?

Article by Lim Larry, M Phil (Management), Chief Executive, Co-Founder and Consulting Principal, Successful Resumes Singapore

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Wednesday, 22 October 2014


A simple truth that every job seeker has to know is: Is my resume effective? Answer this simple question honestly. Avoid self-pity and STOP blaming others for your predicament - not a single interview invite despite sending out hundred of resumes.
A great, effective resume is a TOOL with a specific purpose: to win that ALL-IMPORTANT  interview. A successful resume is also a MARKETING TOOL that sells that most important asset you have to offer - YOU, YOURSELF! A resume, in short, is simply an advertisement, a marketing brochure, nothing more, nothing less.
An effective resume is one that makes you STAND OUT from the crowd and on your OWN RESUME. It has to be different and be differentiated. If your resume is ordinary like every one else's, yours will remain ordinary.
Learn more ... www.successfulresumessingapore

Sunday, 19 October 2014


Successful Resumes Singapore frequently and consistently receives hundreds of testimonials and endorsements from our valued and satisfied clients. Amongst them is this one received yesterday.

"Hi Larry,
The resume and cover letter crafted by you were AMAZING and OUTSTANDING! Thank you for your prompt response. I had a glance through the degree certificate and it looks great. With regards to the cover page, I appreciate your honest feedback and thank you for following up with what I have requested.
Overall, I am very pleased with the timely response on the services that you and your team have provided. I am looking forward to receiving the Jobsearch Toolkit from you.
CCC.., my fiance, is very pleased with the resume you have crafted for me and she wants to choose YOU as her preferred partner in her carer management planning in the coming future." FR
Note: FR, a Malaysian and a Singapore PR, studied in the US and has held appointments in the US, Malaysia and Singapore.
Picture: Larry is pictured with John Little, Managing Director of Successful Resumes International. Larry and Successful Resumes Singapore are frequently featured in and quoted by newspapers, magazines, professional journals, books, national radio stations, Facebook and Linkedin.
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Thursday, 16 October 2014


13 900 Singaporeans woke up this morning and found themselves nowhere to go to for work. The plight of long-term unemployment can be a very thorny issue confronting government leaders. Singapore included. The long-term unemployment rate in Singapore fell from 0.7% to 0.6% and there were some 13 900 residents who have been looking for work for at least 25 weeks as at June 2014.[Statistics:]

What are some practical steps to take if you happen to be one of the 13 900?

                                 Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude

The longer one is out of employment, the more nervous, anxious, insecure and depressed one becomes. Avoid being caught up in negative self-talk.

Stay Connected
Get out of the unemployment "hermit-mind" trap.
Be calm and relaxed. Go out and connect with positive-minded and nurturing friends and relatives and share with them your feelings and concerns. Be active on social media. Join and play an active role in your professional association or neighbourhood club. It is good to get out of your house two or three times a week and catch up with friends or past associates for a meal or coffee. Participate actively in networking events. Remind yourself and the employment people that you are still around and ready to work.

Upgrade and Re-skill
Skills diminish the longer you are out of work. Industries you used to work for have undergone dramatic shifts. The jobs that you used to do have disappeared. This is often referred to as structural unemployment. Go, learn and get trained in new jobskills or study for a degree or diploma. There are hosts of government agencies out there offering these training opportunities and they can even provide training grants.

Re-examine Jobsearch Strategies and Tactics
How effective is your jobsearch and your resume? Is your resume up-to-date, marketing-centred and professionally-presented? It has to be ground-breaking, too. Do you spend at least 30 hours per week on jobsearch?

No Social Stigma
Job security is a thing of the past. Jobsearch is now part and parcel of one's working life. Our survey shows that on an average, a person changes jobs five times in one's work life.

It is good to know that unemployment rate remains low - at 2% in 2014 in Singapore. So there are jobs out there. You just have to be proactive and look for it.

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Sunday, 12 October 2014


Ready for work [See picture]? Yes, of course! Work we must and need to. Sadly, thousands woke up this morning and found themselves nowhere to go for work. The Singapore Ministry of Manpower [MOM] reported that unemployment has climbed: for university graduates from 2.2% in 2012 to 2.3% in 2013. The rate for those with diplomas stood at 2.9% and those with post-secondary education at 3.9%.[Straits Times 13 Oct 2014]
The greatest fear is getting into LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT or being CHRONICALLY-UNEMPLOYED. Four million Americans officially suffer from this. No official statistics on chronic unemployment is available in Singapore. What is long-term unemployment? Who are considered "long-termed unemployed"? Those who have been out of work or being not gainfully-employed for more than 27 weeks or 6.75 months fall into this category.
Long-term unemployment can wreak havoc on a person's self-esteem and well-being. Staying unemployed could mean the jobseeker being labelled "damaged goods".
In my professional practice, I meet many who are suffering from being "chronically-unemployed". One long-term unemployed related to me his sad story. He told me:" I searched and searched and searched. The days turned into weeks.The months bled into two years. I wouldn't land jobs washing dishes.... One family member even told me that if this goes on for another two years, you better hang yourself."
Throw in the towel? Oh, no, please don't. Seek professional help.
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