Using Your Voice During Your Job Interview

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


A simple truth that every job seeker has to know is: Is my resume effective? Answer this simple question honestly. Avoid self-pity and STOP blaming others for your predicament - not a single interview invite despite sending out hundred of resumes.
A great, effective resume is a TOOL with a specific purpose: to win that ALL-IMPORTANT  interview. A successful resume is also a MARKETING TOOL that sells that most important asset you have to offer - YOU, YOURSELF! A resume, in short, is simply an advertisement, a marketing brochure, nothing more, nothing less.
An effective resume is one that makes you STAND OUT from the crowd and on your OWN RESUME. It has to be different and be differentiated. If your resume is ordinary like every one else's, yours will remain ordinary.
Learn more ... www.successfulresumessingapore

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