Using Your Voice During Your Job Interview

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Ready for work [See picture]? Yes, of course! Work we must and need to. Sadly, thousands woke up this morning and found themselves nowhere to go for work. The Singapore Ministry of Manpower [MOM] reported that unemployment has climbed: for university graduates from 2.2% in 2012 to 2.3% in 2013. The rate for those with diplomas stood at 2.9% and those with post-secondary education at 3.9%.[Straits Times 13 Oct 2014]
The greatest fear is getting into LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT or being CHRONICALLY-UNEMPLOYED. Four million Americans officially suffer from this. No official statistics on chronic unemployment is available in Singapore. What is long-term unemployment? Who are considered "long-termed unemployed"? Those who have been out of work or being not gainfully-employed for more than 27 weeks or 6.75 months fall into this category.
Long-term unemployment can wreak havoc on a person's self-esteem and well-being. Staying unemployed could mean the jobseeker being labelled "damaged goods".
In my professional practice, I meet many who are suffering from being "chronically-unemployed". One long-term unemployed related to me his sad story. He told me:" I searched and searched and searched. The days turned into weeks.The months bled into two years. I wouldn't land jobs washing dishes.... One family member even told me that if this goes on for another two years, you better hang yourself."
Throw in the towel? Oh, no, please don't. Seek professional help.
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